for iPhone, iPad, and Mac


At a glance, Road Trip gives you all vital statistics on a single page:

  • Minimum, maximum, and average fuel price per gallon/litre.
  • Minimum, maximum, and average fuel economy (MPG, L/100km, etc.)
  • Average cost per day.
  • Average cost per mile or kilometer.
  • Average distance per day.
  • Total fuel cost.
  • Total gallons or liters of fuel.
  • Total distance traveled.

Easily configure a custom time range, or choose a pre-configured road trip.


Road Trip’s user interface was designed to be fast and easy to use when you’re filling up at the pump.

  • Add Fuel with a single touch.
  • All required data is visible from a single screen.
  • Calculates distance and fuel economy on-the-fly, as you enter data.
  • Optimized touch-keypad for navigating and entering data.
  • Supports both full and partial fill-ups.
  • Travelling between USA/Canada/Mexico? Toggle between gallons/liters and miles/km directly from the Add Fuel screen.
  • Optionally add notes, octane, location, driving conditions, and payment fields to any fill-up.


Road Trip can also track oil changes, repairs, and other maintenance expenses of your car.

Trips and Reports

Taking a vacation?

Road Trip lets you keeps track of your fuel economy and maintenance and expenses during road trips, vacations, semesters, or any other kind of event.

Import / Export

Your data isn’t trapped in your iPhone. Road Trip can export all of your data to your Mac or PC suitable for use in programs like Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice.

You can also import CSV data into Road Trip by sending a specially-formatted email to your iPhone or iPod touch. Use the Road Trip CSV Importer to convert your existing CSV data to Road Trip format.